The Newly Weds

Landon and Kristi met in Febuary of 2011. Within a month of dating they knew they wanted a future with each other. They were married on July 20, 2011. Upon meeting each other they wondered if fairy tales really do come true? Their story is a modern day fairy tale of two people who gave up looking for their happily ever after and though its a lot later in life for both of them, a miracle happened and the two of them met, fell in love and....and are working on the happily ever after part.

Monday, April 22, 2013

What Women Want Expo

McKenna and I joined Darlene, Shalyn and baby Jaren at the Women's Expo. It was a lot of fun. They had a bunch of great things there.

It's hard not to spend too much money at a place like that. There were a bunch of boutiques and online businesses that were there. I was able to get some fun jewelry!

McKenna of course had fun as women fussed over her. Lol some day she is going to realize she is not the only pretty girl in the world. Lol in the meantime, she enjoys making new friends everywhere we go.

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