The Newly Weds

Landon and Kristi met in Febuary of 2011. Within a month of dating they knew they wanted a future with each other. They were married on July 20, 2011. Upon meeting each other they wondered if fairy tales really do come true? Their story is a modern day fairy tale of two people who gave up looking for their happily ever after and though its a lot later in life for both of them, a miracle happened and the two of them met, fell in love and....and are working on the happily ever after part.

Friday, January 27, 2012


We love our new KitchenAid! We are always using it to whip up something. I have been wanting one sine I was 18...guess I had to get married before my parents thought it would be a gift that I ccould put to good use. ;)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby & Mommy Update

Our Beautiful Baby Becknell
So our baby update is that our baby is doing well! Much better than a month ago so that is great news! The baby is healthy, has a great heartbeat, is very active and moves around a lot and has grown to the size of a large shrimp. lol
As for Mommy news, I am doing much better as well. I am not as nauseated anymore and I am keeping food down. My record is four days without throwing up and that is happening as we speak so it is very nice to not be throwing-up as much. They are starting IV therapy on me for my kidneys and I am on Zofran every four hours. We have been referred to a Parinatologist and a Cardiologist as our Pregnancy has been labled high risk. A few weeks ago I had stroke like symptoms and so they are looking into doing a bubble test on my heart to see if there is a hole and if they can fix it. The Parinatologist it GREAT! She is really on the ball and checking to make sure that stress, sickness symptoms and blood clotting are not hurting the baby.I feel like I am in very good hands.


So according to Chinese Legend, the year of the Dragon is most covetted of all years to have a baby. Well, our baby is going to be an Earth Dragon. Landon insisted on looking further into all of the mythology and has been on quite a kick about it all. You see he was born in the year of the Dragon also. You'll never guess what I was born in.....the year of the PIG!!!! How sad is that? So for relationship status between a dragon and a pig it says HARDWORK. lol Hilarious! Anyway, at least two of my family will be winners. lol


Landon and I are trying to get in the habbit of having planned out FHE's. This last week for FHE for the activity we went to Babbies R Us and picked out a bunch of stuff that we liked and wanted to start saving for. The number one thing that we really like at Babbies R Us is this stroller.
Its two in one. So the car seat fits into the stroller and its a jogging stroller. Plus when the baby gets bigger it is made to be used with out the infant seat as well. Its really nice and I got to try it out. So this was my #1 that I wanted so that we can take the baby on our longs walks with us up the canyon. We don't want it in this purple color though. lol We liked the green the most!

Go Jazzzzzz!!!!

What a great season the Utah jazz are having! We are loving the new team. Evans with is hops, Jefferson with the dunks, Milsap with his blocks, Haywood always making things happen. Even the Old timers like Watson are a riot to watch. We hope that they go far this year.

Utah State Office of Education

I finally started working a bunch of hours at my new job at USOE. It has been so much fun. I have been hired on as a Utah Futures Trainer. Sso what I do is go around the State of Utah and train Counselors, Administrators and anyone else who would like to know the in and outs of Utah Futures. It has been a lot of fun so far. I am also working on dropout/retention, CTE, College and Career Readiness and revamping the Utah Futures/SEOP piece. It has been like a dream job so far and I know that its going to keep gettting better and better!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Merry Christmas from Duke

My brother, sister in-law and nephew were able to come home for Christmas. It was so wonderful to have them here! This is TR and Trey at Temple Square when we went to go and look at the lights. Family is always the best Christmas gift! TR had to head back early to Duke for school but Ashley and Trey are able to stay through the New Year!

Christmas Time is Here!

We had a wonderful time putting up a Christmas Tree together for our first time. Our Christmas Tree looked beautiful and we had a riot decorating our house, doors and porch with lights and crafts. We were able to purchase some needed gifts for our living space which has added to its beauty.

Christmas Puppies

My dog Perdita had Christmas puppies that my parents decided to give away for FREE as a Christmas gift to failies in need who were desperate for a gift for their family for christmas. It was hard to give these cute dalmations up- but we know they brought joy to so many children this christmas!

Becknells Christmas Surprise

Landon and I found out that we are expecting again!!!! We hope that we can keep this one and are able to welcome this sweet baby into our family this summer! Best Christmas pressent for our parents and family and for each other!