The Newly Weds

Landon and Kristi met in Febuary of 2011. Within a month of dating they knew they wanted a future with each other. They were married on July 20, 2011. Upon meeting each other they wondered if fairy tales really do come true? Their story is a modern day fairy tale of two people who gave up looking for their happily ever after and though its a lot later in life for both of them, a miracle happened and the two of them met, fell in love and....and are working on the happily ever after part.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Close your eyes if you don't like blood

My C-Section:

I was shaking like crazy. The epidural was nothing. My nerves were worse than any needle. Lol

Landon was able to be in the room with me the whole time. He could see everything but I couldn't see anything. He was so worried about me but because I couldn't see anything.

When they tried to take her out by literally pulling her out of me- she wouldn't come! Lol She sucked back into my stomach. They had to pull a couple times to finally get her out. Once she was out, I told Landon to go with her but he was afraid to leave me. My epidural was not very strong and I was starting to feel more and more things. Because I was able to feel more, my body starting reacting even more with intense shakes.

Landon finally left my side when he heard McKenna crying. As soon as he spoke to her and said her name, she stopped crying. Landon stayed with her every second after she was born while I was getting closed up.

Landon brought her over to me to meet her. It was love at first sight. Because I was shaking so much I couldn't hold her, I could only look at her while Landon held her.

I had some blood clotting and then started loosing a lot of blood during the c section. By the time I was sown up I was in a lot of pain.

Meanwhile, Landon convinced the staff to let me breast feed McKenna in the recovery room which is against hospital polices. I was so grateful!

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