The Newly Weds

Landon and Kristi met in Febuary of 2011. Within a month of dating they knew they wanted a future with each other. They were married on July 20, 2011. Upon meeting each other they wondered if fairy tales really do come true? Their story is a modern day fairy tale of two people who gave up looking for their happily ever after and though its a lot later in life for both of them, a miracle happened and the two of them met, fell in love and....and are working on the happily ever after part.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby & Mommy Update

Our Beautiful Baby Becknell
So our baby update is that our baby is doing well! Much better than a month ago so that is great news! The baby is healthy, has a great heartbeat, is very active and moves around a lot and has grown to the size of a large shrimp. lol
As for Mommy news, I am doing much better as well. I am not as nauseated anymore and I am keeping food down. My record is four days without throwing up and that is happening as we speak so it is very nice to not be throwing-up as much. They are starting IV therapy on me for my kidneys and I am on Zofran every four hours. We have been referred to a Parinatologist and a Cardiologist as our Pregnancy has been labled high risk. A few weeks ago I had stroke like symptoms and so they are looking into doing a bubble test on my heart to see if there is a hole and if they can fix it. The Parinatologist it GREAT! She is really on the ball and checking to make sure that stress, sickness symptoms and blood clotting are not hurting the baby.I feel like I am in very good hands.


  1. How can I help? I know this little dragon is a fighter like her (?) parents!
    Are you at home? I'd LOVE to feed all THREE of you...
    LOve you,

    1. That is such a nice offer! Thank you. How are you doing? I am so sorry that we have been missing each other. Tell me who had surgery and how I can help out.
